The Truth About Allergies!!!

by | Mar 2, 2021 | Environmental Pillar, Nutritional Pillar

Hello, hello! Have you been told you have allergies? Have you been told there is nothing you can do? Well, I’m here to tell you that’s wrong!


A new season in our hemisphere brings us much to look forward to… longer days and warmer temperatures, but yikes, there is also pollen that many people dread! Spring is often synonymous with ‘Allergy season‘, and because of that, we want to clear things up – without the Claritin, please.

Here’s the truth about allergies and how we can prevent negatively experiencing them.

Allergies are an overreaction of the immune system to a typically harmless substance. When people are exposed to an allergen, such as pollen, pet dander, or certain foods, their immune system reacts by producing antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies trigger the release of histamine and other chemicals, which can cause symptoms such as sneezing, itching, runny nose, watery eyes, hives, and even anaphylaxis.

Most people don’t realize that the symptoms we typically associate with allergies – sneezing, coughing, itching, and more – can be reduced or prevented altogether by managing a few key areas.

  • Toxic Load: Your amount of exposure to toxins and chemicals in the environment can increase the risk of developing allergies. If your body’s immune system becomes overwhelmed by external toxins, it may elicit an inadequate response when encountering allergies. Check out our Environmental Pillar Blogs to learn more about detoxing and minimizing your exposure to daily toxicities.
  • Leaky Gut: Leaky gut is a condition in which the gut lining becomes more permeable, allowing toxins and other harmful substances to leak into the bloodstream. This increased permeability may contribute to the development of allergies, as the immune system may become overactive in response to these foreign substances entering the body through the gut. We have many testing options to help you heal your gut. Check out our Gut Protocol and Food Sensitivity Tests.
  • Inflammatory Load: Chronic inflammation is a known risk factor for all health problems, including allergies. A high inflammatory load, caused by factors such as poor diet (wheat, dairy, packaged food), stress, and environmental toxins, increases the risk of developing allergies by disrupting the normal functioning of the immune system. Dive in deep with our Inflammation Blog Series!
  • Nutrition: Did you know that casein is a component of milk that is also an ingredient in Elmer’s Glue? That means every time you take a sip of milk, you are essentially shooting glue up your nose, which catches pathogens and dust and ultimately makes you more allergic. In addition, I recommend eliminating sugar, soy, and wheat. All three of these ingredients will amplify allergic-type reactions. Need help with cleaning up your diet? Check out my 90 Days To Clean Eating Online Course!
  • Chronic Heightened Immune Response: Some individuals may have a chronic heightened immune response, meaning their immune system isn’t entirely responding optimally to allergens. We have found that this can be due to a misalignment in the spine, causing improper information to go to and from the brain. This misalignment allows the systems to go into either hyperdrive and overreact or, worse, not respond. Many people have found their allergies “disappear” under chiropractic care.

In case the list above doesn’t clarify, your immune system determines almost ALL responses to allergens—whether an efficient or inefficient response—which can be enhanced and optimized by focusing on our Four Pillars of Health.

Check out our three allergy or sinus solutions if you need immediate relief from your allergy symptoms. Purchase the one that best fits your needs and take it as directed on the label.

If you still want more or are ready to ensure your immune system functions to its highest potential, regardless of the season ahead, reach out for a phone consult here. We can dive deep into what is best for a personalized action plan! You can schedule here!


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