Environmental Pillar

Are You a Starter or a Finisher?

Are You a Starter or a Finisher?

This question is really insightful as it not only helps to know ourselves better but also pushes us to become better. Learning how to use your strengths and manage your weaknesses is key and sometimes this just begins with the right decision about how you manage this life dream you are going after!

Is Clutter Filling Your Life and Home?

Is Clutter Filling Your Life and Home?

It is Mental Health Awareness month and our second week of applying our Four Pillars of Health. We’re going to switch this up a bit! I typically talk about ditch and switch when speaking on the environment, which is always good to do because there is so much information on environmental pollution and mental health, but today we’re going to talk about the physical environment.

Summer Annoyances

Summer Annoyances

When you’re out by the pool or enjoying the weather, so are all of the bugs and outdoor summer annoyances! When I was growing up, I was terribly allergic to no-see-ums. They have teeth like alligators, and I would wake up scratching and bleeding.