How to Fight Toddler Ear Infections the Natural Way

by | Jun 30, 2020 | Nutritional Pillar, Structural Pillar

Battling what seems like constant ear infections in your toddler?

I’ve got options for you to try to heal at home!

Today, we’re discussing a common ailment troubling our little ones: ear infections. This topic is close to many parents’ hearts, as these infections can cause discomfort and restless nights for toddlers and parents alike. Let’s explore some natural solutions to prevent and alleviate ear infections, emphasizing the holistic approach to health.
Re-evaluating the Diet
First and foremost, diet plays a pivotal role. Ear infections can sometimes stem from allergies or sensitivities, particularly related to dairy, soy, and wheat products. Whether your child is formula-fed or breastfed, it’s worth considering that both the mother’s consumption of these foods and the presence in formula can affect the child. Foods are common culprits behind ear infections due to their potential to irritate some children’s systems. Elimination for the mom during nursing and then exploring milk alternatives that are neither dairy nor soy-based could be a beneficial first step. Goat formulas have been life-changing for some families.  
The Importance of Structure
Another aspect often overlooked is the baby’s structural alignment. If misaligned, the first bone beneath the skull can hinder proper drainage and nerve communication, paving the way for infections. Children’s ear canals have yet to grow to their adult placement; they are shorter, narrower, and more horizontal. Any structural deviations can present drainage and immune function problems. If you have complicated ears with teething, you have another issue. Read more about teething in the blog I have linked below. Gentle chiropractic adjustments can be remarkably effective. Safe even for newborns, these adjustments can alleviate the pressure and discomfort associated with ear infections. Choosing the correct chiropractor for your little one takes just a bit of research. Learn how to do that by reading this blog: Not All Chiropractors Are The Same.  
Natural Remedies and Tips
In addition to dietary and structural considerations, several natural remedies can support ear health:
  • Colloidal Silver: Known for its antimicrobial properties, it can be a go-to for stubborn infections, especially when combined with other holistic approaches. 
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Regular use can help prevent buildup that leads to infections. You will often see a yellow drainage; this is often wax, not infection.
  • Vitamin D: Can be a game changer for immunity 2,000 iu a day is a great starting dose when battling infections. 
  • Garlic Oil: A traditional remedy, garlic oil combines the antibacterial properties of garlic with the soothing effect of olive oil. 
Antibiotics are a choice.
The majority of ear infections are viral, making antibiotics the wrong choice. Most ear infections resolve within 48 hours or sooner with the above solutions. If the child seems to be in extreme pain, and the above solutions are not working, then sometimes, despite our best efforts, antibiotics become necessary as part of treatment. If this is the case, it’s crucial to rehabilitate the gut flora and boost the immune system afterward, as one dose of antibiotics can destroy the gut for a year. A strong immune system is less likely to succumb to repeated infections. 
Our next session will explore gut health after antibiotics and ways to fortify your child’s immune system to ward off future ailments. Read about Antibiotics here!
Look for yourself and see!
Many times, ears become problematic at night and on weekends. Being able to check these ears yourself is a valuable tool. Here is a great home kit to have on hand : Dr. Mom Ear Scope
Engaging with Our Community
We’re not just about tackling ear infections. Our community is a treasure trove of holistic knowledge, covering everything from teething solutions to navigating the vast world of dairy alternatives. We share insights on:
Your Voice Matters
Our community thrives on shared experiences and insights. Whether it’s your go-to recipe for homemade garlic oil or your experience with non-dairy formulas, your contributions enrich our collective journey toward holistic health.
By approaching ear infections holistically, we empower ourselves with knowledge and natural solutions. Stay tuned for more insights on naturally nurturing your family’s well-being.

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