Environmental Pillar

The Garden of Life

The Garden of Life

Hello, hello! I hope your spring is off to a beautiful start. The weather is gorgeous, things around us are blooming and new seasons of life are occurring all around us! I usually begin to start cleaning up my personal garden every spring and have always found it fun to apply my garden analogy to my friendships.  Gardens and friends can contain annuals, perennials, evergreens and of course, even weeds. 

What is MTHFR?

What is MTHFR?

When I first started practicing, we didn’t know exactly what MTHFR was. Now we do and to shortly put it, it means that you do not detoxify the same way that everyone else’s body does. The great news is, my treatment over the years hasn’t changed. For the treatment of MTHFR,  I traditionally focus on my environment and nutrition pillars from the Four Pillars of Health. These two pillars are instrumental in making sure your body is operating optimally.

Forming a Loving Relationship with Yourself

Forming a Loving Relationship with Yourself

One of the greatest things that I have done, is learn how to develop a very loving relationship with my brain. I spent many years, listening to voices that did not lead me in the direction that I wanted to go or relationships that I wanted to sustain. I needed to learn how to be loving and kind to myself so that in turn, I could be the same to others.

Thieves Product Roundup

Thieves Product Roundup

Cold and flu season is right around the corner. Dr. Jessica is sharing a roundup of her favorite Thieves household products from Young Living. Perfect for helping to keep your bunch healthy and on-the-move during the cold months ahead. Thieves Products Foaming Hand...