How to Support Your Colon

by | Jul 24, 2023 | ANFD, Environmental Pillar, Nutritional Pillar

Maintaining a healthy gut is crucial for overall digestive health, immune function, body repair, skin health, and mood regulation. In fact, the gut is often called the Second Brain. Here are some tips to support your gut health and keep it functioning optimally.

Firstly, it’s essential to eat a nutrient-dense and balanced diet. Which we have all heard, but what does this actually mean? Step one is limiting packaged foods that contain less than three ingredients and making everything else fresh. Including fiber-rich seasonal organic fruits, vegetables, fats, and proteins in your diet can help keep your gut healthy.

Staying hydrated with properly mineralized water is also essential for gut health. We are now in a situation where our water is so purified that we strip many of our minerals out when we drink our required water intake. Adding a pinch of Redmond Real salt to each glass and some apple cider vinegar is a great way to stay hydrated and stop running to the bathroom every time you drink water (we do this because there are no minerals in our purified water to push the water into the cellular system and hydrate the organs). After adding these extra ingredients, many see the gut begin to eliminate with regularity. Aim for at least 1/2 your body weight in mineralized water each day.

Proper elimination is essential to your gut health. Bowel movements should be at least daily, not hard or painful. Many women tend to get constipated as hormones change. Another factor is stress. The gut will not relax and allow for elimination when the stress response is firing. Think about being under attack – you’re not pooping. Making time and allowing yourself the space to eliminate is essential for gut (and mental) health. If you have had long periods of constipation, you may need some occasional help getting things to move. We love Colax or Comfortone to help get this process started!

Another way to support your gut is by prioritizing regular colonics. Colon cleansing using high-quality ingredients and supportive herbs can give your body health from the inside out. The ingredients used in colonics can be tailored to your needs, whether liver support, acne treatment, constipation, or immune support. If no certified colon therapists are near you, look to add weekly coffee enemas.

Exercise is also beneficial for gut health. Regular physical activity can help improve digestion and reduce the risk of constipation. Aim for at least 8,000 steps per day as a first goal and then 30 mins of moderate to fast-paced walking as your second.

Eliminating processed and synthetic foods is also crucial for gut health. Processed foods and foods high in chemicals and roundup-based ingredients can increase the risk of constipation and colon cancer. Opt for whole, unprocessed organic foods instead.

Lastly, adding fermented foods to your diet several times a week can help support a healthy colon. This food allows your body to produce all the strains of beneficial bacteria that live in the gut and help promote healthy digestion. Probiotic supplements do not have lasting effects or change how the colon functions once you stop; therefore better to save your money here and change to fermented foods to help support your colon’s health.

In conclusion, maintaining a healthy gut is crucial for overall health and well-being. By eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, prioritizing regular colonics, exercising regularly, avoiding processed foods, and eating fermented foods, you can support your colon and keep it functioning optimally. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine to ensure your colon is healthy and working for you.

If you are ready for more step by steps, grab my Gut Healing Protocol at

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