How to Get Pregnant (or not) and All the Other Stuff Your Mother Never Told You

by | Aug 21, 2023 | ANFD, Emotional Pillar, Environmental Pillar, Nutritional Pillar

When I was growing up, most of my knowledge came from the locker room, school hallways, books I read, and the beloved health class that was utterly embarrassing. I can remember being in my mid-twenties and realizing things that were said to me, or comments made that I had no idea what they meant, and now I did.
I snuck out to get on birth control, because “you could get pregnant every time you had sex” (not correct), and condoms weren’t what you asked the guy to wear (different time than now). While I ensured my kids had accurate information, their friends often would come to me and ask many questions about sex, diseases, prevention, and more. This is where my nickname Momma Marsh came from, and many of my “new kids” got an education. So this is my sex talk for you, regardless of age. And if you leave this page open for your teenager to read, good on you. I know these talks can be uncomfortable, but gosh, let’s start to have them.
First off, sex is a natural progression of maturity; sexual attraction is designed to begin when our cycles start. Now, a huge issue is that our health is declining, and estrogen dominance is increasing in both sexes, which is driving the sexual maturity of younger and younger, which isn’t ok. Sexual maturity and emotional maturity all need to be on the same page.
Here is what I told my own kids: Know what you want and don’t want in a partner; write it down and create a non-negotiable list. Get to know the person first. Everyone can fake everything for six months. When you see anything you don’t like during these first six months, or they have a non-negotiable trait, know it will only get worse, not better. You’re best to call it quits.
Lust, not love, is high during these first few months. Just breathe, be around lots of people, and hold. Sex is a commitment; whether you have a religious, moral, or spiritual expectation that you align with, it is essential to know that each experience energetically stays with you. Ensure you are comfortable moving forward, and don’t beat yourself up for your actions. I love my relationship with God, but I don’t particularly like how the church shames women for sexual experiences. There is tremendous damage done here, and for what? Shame is never an action of God.
Being careful in the beginning with condoms ensures you don’t leave with an everlasting disease like herpes and, for the most part, protects you from pregnancy. The only birth control that is 100% is abstinence. Every single other form can fail, so make sure that if you have sex, you are comfortable having this person in your life as a co-parent. That statement alone can be pretty sobering. And yes, this is the exact language I use regardless if you are a male or a female.
Conception, the process of creating a new life, is a marvel of nature. New life should be celebrated. I feel it is the shame and lack of support that causes women to feel often pressured to hide or end their pregnancy. This decision stays with you forever, just as a child does. All choices are deeply personal and are no one’s business.
Preventing or enhancing conception has various misconceptions surrounding the timing and likelihood of pregnancy, many I would like to clear up today.
In traditional health classes, many of us were taught to fear intimacy due to the risk of disease transmission and the assumption that any intimate act could lead to an unwanted pregnancy. This view not only oversimplifies the complexities of conception but also undermines the sanctity of intimacy itself. In reality, getting pregnant involves a delicate and intricate series of events, and understanding this process empowers women, allowing them to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.
Let’s start at the beginning. A menstrual cycle is a four-week window with a symphony of hormones that fluctuate at certain times to increase fertility, detox, and release if no pregnancy occurs.
  • Follicular Phase
    • Week 1 of Your Cycle
      • Day 1 (first day of period) to Day 7: Estrogen starts low and rises for this first week. Estrogen is an inflammatory marker, so sugar cravings can also increase. You can have flares in autoimmunity issues – but this varies with everyone, and some do not at all. This week is also post-period, and is a super important week to eat iron-rich foods or take Ferrofood. Loss of iron can lead to fatigue, fogginess, and depression. It is never impossible to get pregnant, but the chance of this week are extraordinarily low.
  • Ovulation Phase
    • Week 2 of Your Cycle
      • Day 8 to Ovulation (which typically is Day 14 in a 28-day cycle): Estrogen continues to rise. Your body prepares for Ovulation; you may feel more attractive and desire sex more. As you get closer to day 14, sperm can lurk, and you can get pregnant. The old midwives tail is these lurking sperm are female sperm, always waiting and watching.
    • Week 3 of Your Cycle
      • Begins the day after Ovulation and lasts the next eight days (which is Day 15 to Day 22 in a 28-day cycle): Estrogen drops, and Progesterone rises, which is the calming, nesting hormone. Food cravings will be high in fat and more calories, because the human body prepares for a child. Not eating tends to affect you more this week. Pregnancy chances are incredibly high during this week.
  • Luteal Phase
    • Week 4 of Your Cycle
      • Final six days of your cycle: Some women are 28-32 days. Some women begin to bleed following the moon cycle – all phases – not just the full moon part that you may find consistent with the moon as opposed to actual days: Estrogen and Progesterone will drop throughout week 4, which can make you extra moody. You may find more autoimmune issues. Nutritional deficiencies can also cause this mood shift and increased health issues and should not be dismissed as a requirement for all females. It is never impossible to get pregnant, but the chance of this week are extraordinarily low.
I wanted to go through this part with you and explain pregnancy chances, highs, and lows because so many young teens and women are popping a morning-after pill without knowing if it is needed.
The issue with the morning-after medication is that it is equal to 1 month of birth control pills. This massive amount of estrogen can cause multiple health and future fertility issues and could potentially trigger cancer. I cover other problems with birth control in these blogs and give alternatives.

High Fertility Times

The days with the highest chances of conception are during a woman’s Ovulation, which typically lasts for a few days per menstrual cycle. Some women can feel the egg’s release, called Mittelschmerz, after Dr. Mittelschmerz, who discovered the phenomenon of ovarian pain. Significant ovarian pain can be from a cyst, which can be rectified nutritionally.
It’s essential to note that ovulation timing can vary from woman to woman and might not always occur precisely in the middle of the menstrual cycle. To improve the odds of conception or avoidance of pregnancy, monitor the woman’s menstrual cycle and look for signs of Ovulation. These include counting days, changes in cervical mucus, body temperature, or the use of ovulation predictor kits. These kits can test the pH balance of the woman’s urine and detect the luteal hormone, indicating Ovulation and identifying the most fertile days for pregnancy or when to be hands-off.


Pregnancy occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovaries and fertilized by sperm, followed by the successful implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.
After successful implantation, pregnancy begins, and the body’s hormonal process produces the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone. This hormone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy and triggering various physiological changes within the body. This hormone is detected in pregnancy tests, providing a positive result that confirms a woman is pregnant. The number one “help” women can do is to increase their Progesterone on days 14-28 or week 20 if pregnant. Not all Progesterone is made the same, click here for the one I recommend.
Various resources and guidance are available for women seeking to gain a deeper understanding of their opportunities to conceive. Courses like the Women’s Hormones Deconstructed Course can be a valuable starting point. Additionally, phone consultations with experts can offer personalized protocols tailored to individual needs and circumstances. Here is how you can book with me.
One of All Natural Family Doc’s goals is to empower women with knowledge about their reproductive health, which helps dispel myths and misconceptions and allows them to make informed choices about their bodies. Understanding the complexities of conception and the factors that influence fertility can help couples plan and prepare for parenthood responsibly and joyfully.
In conclusion, the woman’s cycle is an incredibly beautiful dance. Hormones can be influenced by foods, medications, emotions, environmental factors, and so much more, all of which YOU are in control of. By shedding light on the science behind conception and debunking common myths, we can foster a healthier and more informed approach to intimacy. Armed with knowledge and support, women can embrace their fertility journey with confidence and empowerment.

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